All the cool Scratchers.
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Pages: 1
I was so popular on there! Still am
Yes, and yes. Can't believe you still remembered me! Still embarrassed that I couldn't get Scratch radio to work. Hey, I did figure out how to use icecast and all that, so if you ever want to try again we totally could.
April wrote:I was so popular on there! Still am
Yes, and yes. Can't believe you still remembered me! Still embarrassed that I couldn't get Scratch radio to work. Hey, I did figure out how to use icecast and all that, so if you ever want to try again we totally could.
I figured out how to do it too! Honestly it really died more of a disinterest/business death more than anything. But I did veggieradio for a time and it was fun while it lasted.
elfin8er wrote:April wrote:I was so popular on there! Still am
Yes, and yes. Can't believe you still remembered me! Still embarrassed that I couldn't get Scratch radio to work. Hey, I did figure out how to use icecast and all that, so if you ever want to try again we totally could.
I figured out how to do it too! Honestly it really died more of a disinterest/business death more than anything. But I did veggieradio for a time and it was fun while it lasted.
Haha yea. I've always thought it'd be fun to try and get a little radio thing going. Tried doing a Minecraft radio thingy with Minecraft parodies and such but could never get permission from enough people to use their parodies.
Anyways, back on topic...
I made a google custom search for it one time but The following errors need to be corrected before the message can be posted: You are not allowed to post links :'(
Jesus those are all so embarrassing but nostalgic.
i agree, although mine are like 100000x more embarrassing than yours
Do you plan on updating a ceiling fan in your home? What goals have you accomplished so far in 2012?
April wrote:Jesus those are all so embarrassing but nostalgic.
i agree, although mine are like 100000x more embarrassing than yours
April isn't embarrassing. Just very very confusing... and... well... interesting...
SpiffyFlanger wrote:April wrote:Jesus those are all so embarrassing but nostalgic.
i agree, although mine are like 100000x more embarrassing than yours
April isn't embarrassing. Just very very confusing... and... well... interesting...
oh i didn't mean april's were embarrassing! hers are fine. mine, on the other hand...
Do you plan on updating a ceiling fan in your home? What goals have you accomplished so far in 2012?
SpiffyFlanger wrote:April wrote:Jesus those are all so embarrassing but nostalgic.
i agree, although mine are like 100000x more embarrassing than yours
April isn't embarrassing. Just very very confusing... and... well... interesting...
That's what they all say about me! Thank you very much.
Can we tone down the post cooldown? It seems like I'm getting caught by the 60 second rule every time I try to post.
It's freaking 180 seconds for me. Probably because i'm a new scratcher.
wave100 wrote:Can we tone down the post cooldown? It seems like I'm getting caught by the 60 second rule every time I try to post.
It's freaking 180 seconds for me. Probably because i'm a new scratcher.
Sure is buddy! Talk to Justin when we get's on, and maybe he'll make you a Scratcher.
Slaymaker wrote:wave100 wrote:Can we tone down the post cooldown? It seems like I'm getting caught by the 60 second rule every time I try to post.
It's freaking 180 seconds for me. Probably because i'm a new scratcher.
Sure is buddy! Talk to Justin when we get's on, and maybe he'll make you a Scratcher.
If he doesn't get on, or I don't manage to get his attention, how many posts is it until I get scratcher?
elfin8er wrote:Slaymaker wrote:It's freaking 180 seconds for me. Probably because i'm a new scratcher.
Sure is buddy! Talk to Justin when we get's on, and maybe he'll make you a Scratcher.
If he doesn't get on, or I don't manage to get his attention, how many posts is it until I get scratcher?
I don't think it's automatic. Could be completely wrong though.
Slaymaker wrote:elfin8er wrote:Sure is buddy! Talk to Justin when we get's on, and maybe he'll make you a Scratcher.
If he doesn't get on, or I don't manage to get his attention, how many posts is it until I get scratcher?
I don't think it's automatic. Could be completely wrong though.
I think it would be cool if it were automagicle.
I can confirm myself as nerd #8
elfin8er wrote:Slaymaker wrote:If he doesn't get on, or I don't manage to get his attention, how many posts is it until I get scratcher?
I don't think it's automatic. Could be completely wrong though.
I think it would be cool if it were automagicle.
I'm sure that can be implemented once Justin comes back, perhaps even based off the Scratch code.
Slaymaker wrote:-
elfin8er wrote:I don't think it's automatic. Could be completely wrong though.
I think it would be cool if it were automagicle.
I'm sure that can be implemented once Justin comes back, perhaps even based off the Scratch code.
I thought Scratch did it manually too? I could be mistaken though...
Offline … ?id=114903 cheddargirl has no sense of humour part 12
Offline … ?id=114903 cheddargirl has no sense of humour part 12
P.S. That's clearly an Articuno.
Best part of the whole topic though.
Last edited by elfin8er (2015-01-20 23:37:37)
it can't be...
pls giv scracher ranc thanc uuuuu
Pages: 1