All the cool Scratchers.
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I don't regularly watch too many Youtubers, but recently I've been watching tons of Good Mythical Morning and Angry Video Game Nerd. Who do you watch?
Heh, I still watch GMM almost every day.
I watch ashens. He's a cool chap.
Do you plan on updating a ceiling fan in your home? What goals have you accomplished so far in 2012?
I watch ashens. He's a cool chap.
I watch a lot of SmitePro and the rest is all minecraft, mainly the
Mindcrack guys.
SpiffyFlanger wrote:I watch ashens. He's a cool chap.
I watch a lot of SmitePro and the rest is all minecraft, mainly the
Mindcrack guys.
Daaaang! You still keep up with mindcrack?
Scam school
Scam school
Whew! I remember scam school!
jji7skyline wrote:Scam school
Whew! I remember scam school!
Wow really? Did they broadcast on television or something in the us?
elfin8er wrote:jji7skyline wrote:Scam school
Whew! I remember scam school!
Wow really? Did they broadcast on television or something in the us?
Not that I know of. I've just watched it on the YouTubes.
elfin8er wrote:jji7skyline wrote:Scam school
Whew! I remember scam school!
Wow really? Did they broadcast on television or something in the us?
do you think that we don't have YouTube in the US
jji7skyline wrote:elfin8er wrote:Whew! I remember scam school!
Wow really? Did they broadcast on television or something in the us?
do you think that we don't have YouTube in the US
April wrote:jji7skyline wrote:Wow really? Did they broadcast on television or something in the us?
do you think that we don't have YouTube in the US
No I just read that scam school is originally a TV show or something.
elfin8er wrote:April wrote:
do you think that we don't have YouTube in the US
No I just read that scam school is originally a TV show or something.
I think I heard that somewhere too. The world may never know!
I watched a couple episodes of Scam School once. It's pretty interesting stuff. I distinctly remember the number puzzle one.
Do you plan on updating a ceiling fan in your home? What goals have you accomplished so far in 2012?
What is scam school? Is it bad that I don't know?
What is scam school? Is it bad that I don't know?
Yes. Yes it is.
I'm subscribed to 140 channels on Youtube! Most of them don't upload new videos regularly/ever, and I don't even watch a lot of the ones that do.
The ones I check it out for:
- Totalbiscuit (for the co-optional podcast every week)
- THE BEST GAMERS (self explanatory)
- Dapwell (waiting for Chillin Island 2.0 )
- I only watch Needle Drops for the dumb puns on his name! His opinions are bad usually!
- Neil Cicierega
Don't look at my Youtube channel!!
I'm subscribed to 140 channels on Youtube!
Whew! That's like 100 more than me xD I'm not subscribed to a whole lot of people tbh.
all day
and a lot of music channels, most notably
Last edited by echs (2015-01-21 03:12:23)
cool noun wrote:I'm subscribed to 140 channels on Youtube!
Whew! That's like 100 more than me xD I'm not subscribed to a whole lot of people tbh.
That's still 25 more channels than me.
elfin8er wrote:cool noun wrote:I'm subscribed to 140 channels on Youtube!
Whew! That's like 100 more than me xD I'm not subscribed to a whole lot of people tbh.
That's still 25 more channels than me.
Apparently I actually have 117...
Ohai btw!
- Neil Cicierega
Don't look at my Youtube channel!!
But it's so good. :'(
I also watch Neil Cicierega. He's one of my favs 4evs.
Do you plan on updating a ceiling fan in your home? What goals have you accomplished so far in 2012?
Does anyone watch Source-Fed?
I mostly watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye